Holistic Hoofcare Certificate Course – 2023

Early-Bird Registration closes on 31st December, 2022

Over the last year, we have developed and implemented this new hoofcare course, that gives you more in-depth knowledge of the anatomy and functioning of the hoof.

It is implemented on our online learning platform where material is provided in both written form and presented via video.

Each module concludes with a short self-test quiz so you can see how much info you have retained.

The course is run over two semesters and forms the per-requisite for the HHP course.

Thorsten Kaiser at EquiFest 2020

Thorsten from IBEM Ltd will be giving two talks at the new EquiFest held in Taupo on 27-29 November 2020. To download the full time table, click here.

Thorsten’s talks are in the Seminar Classroom and the time slots are as follows:

  • Friday, 27/11/20, 14:30-15:15: How to recognise a Healthy Hoof!
  • Sunday, 29/11/20, 11:00-11:45: Hoof Boots: Tips, Tricks, and Traps

IBEM at EquiDays – 18-20 October, 2019

We are very excited about attending EquiDays this year. See us at site EM10 in the marquee.

IBEM will have people on site to provide info on holistic hoofcare and our seminars and professional’s course. We will be giving some trimming demos on site at regular intervals. Check our FB page for time announcements.

Thorsten will also be presenting some seminars in the Seminar Classroom:

  • Friday (10am) and Sunday (12pm):
    Thorsten will talk about the difference between Laminitis and Founder. How to recognise it, understand the causes, and how to treat those conditions.
  • Saturday (1pm):
    The presentation is on making hoof boots work for you. The focus is on some common fitting issues and how to use boots as a tool to develop a healthier hoof.

This link shows the full time table for EquiDays.

We also will have a section dedicated to where you can see and purchase our products like hoof boots, trimming tools, etc. In particular, we will have the new hoof boot The Fury on display.

Easyboot Fury Sling