Easyboot Fury Booting Tip

When you are dealing with a relatively narrow hoof and you are using the Fury boot, you may end up in the situation that you select a shell for the current width, and you will need to full length extension of the boot.

Looking at the back of the boot, you can see the shell curves inwards. Depending on the state of the hoof, this part may or may not follow the hoof nicely. There can be the situation that this part pushed too hard against the hoof. The solution is to simply cut it off.

See the photo below on the left where the shell is marked with a black marker pen. For this hoof, here the boot curves in too much. The photo on the right shows the hoof in the boot with this part cut off.

This is a simple solution to ensure no unnecessary pressure from the boot to the heel exists.

Hoof Boots are now allowed in NZ Dressage

A planning forum held in May 2020 voted 87% in favour of Remit 5, that is to allow the use of Hoof Boots in Dressage competition. See minutes.

There are some stipulations as to colour (black or brown only), the boots to be lower than the coronet, and not to cover the heel, as well as to be easily removable by veterinarians.

It was decided to form a sub-committee to further clarify what that means and what type of boots are going to be allowed under those rules.

It appears the boots below are acceptable for dressage competitions:

Easyboot Epic, but only with gaiter removed. This would allow you to use the boot as is for training and general hacking, then take the gaiter off for the dressage competition.
Easyboot Fury Sling. Select the boot for the width of the hoof, then adjust the heel slider for the length of the hoof. The height of the heel cage can also be individually adjusted for each hoof.

Easyboot Fury Heart Straps – Impressions

Just how easy/hard is it to fasten those straps?

I have to admit, when I first had the new Easyboot Fury Heart boots in my hand, naturally, I tried to fasten the straps in the front – to my surprise, it was quite tricky. My first impression was, wow, if I as a practitioner struggle with this already, how are customers going to get on with this?

But then, it all changes when the boot is actually on the hoof. The moment you have a horse stand in the boot, fastening those straps couldn’t be any easier. I couldn’t believe the difference. I got my wife to do up the boots – same result, she thought it was quite easy to do.

See the video below to get an idea of what I mean:

Fastening Easyboot Fury Straps

The boot itself is quite easy to apply and remove from the hoof.

  • Basically, select the size for the width of the hoof,
  • then adjust the heel length specificly to the hoof,
  • lift the foot and tighten the screws underneath.
  • Check the heel strap height position and adjust if needed, e.g. to accommodate a club foot
  • Fasten the straps in the front.
  • Then take it for a test ride or inhand walk to see if the settings are good.
  • When happy with the settings, take the boot off and take out the bottom screws one at a time and apply some locktite, then screw it back in and tighten. Basically, this prevents the screws from accidentially coming undone and loosen the fit.
  • Depending on the length setting you end up with, there might be excess boot extending past the heel strap. Simply take a sharp hoof knife and cut off the excess to have a nice flush finish.

So, final impressions are that the boot is quite practical and simple to work with. Definitely a great tool to have.

Equitana Auckland 2019

Thorsten will be presenting two seminars in this year’s Equitana in Auckland.

You can download the exact time table from here, once it is available.

Understanding the difference between Laminitis and Founder

Friday, 22nd November, 14:30 | Equine Mind Coach Classroom 1

When people get asked about the difference between these two conditions, often the answer is that they are the same thing. However, they aren’t. This presentation is going to explore what Laminits and Founder mean to the horse and hoof, how they can be recognised, how they can be differentiated from each other, how they interrelate, how they can be treated, and most importantly, how they can be prevented.

The presentation is going to show that Laminitis and Founder are not mysterious conditions they are often made out to be, but rather that they can be dealt with logically and systematically.

Boot Fitting Strategies – How to make Booting work for you!

Saturday, 23rd November 09:30 | Equine Mind Coach Classroom 2

In Saddle-Fitting, there are two main strategies to fit saddles: 1) fit to the existing horse’s back, and 2) fit to where the horse’s back is intended to develop towards and fit for that. In Boot-fitting, we find the same two strategies.

This presentation is going to discuss the two approaches and weigh up their pro’s and con’s with each other. After the presentation, you will be able to make a more informed decision on which approach might be more suitable for your horse.

Hoof Boots: Crutch or Tool?

By Thorsten Kaiser, Institute for Barefoot Equine Management

On the Barefoot journey with our horse, many of us have asked the question: Are we still Barefoot if we use hoof boots? The answer is not a simple yes or no, however. This article will clarify the different aspects to consider.

When we look around and see the hooves of successful barefoot horses, we see tough hooves that have nice concavity, tough frogs, no white-line issues, and strong hoof walls – they just look great. Those horses seem to be confident and sure-footed over any terrain without any hoof protection. However, in many cases those hooves have not always been so healthy. In order to get where they are now, they had to go through two phases: Transitioning and Conditioning.

In the Transitioning phase the unhealthy hoof, stimulated through movement and a style of trimming that restores hoof function, will change to a healthy situation and grow stronger. The photos show the comparison of a hoof at the beginning and end of transition. At the start the hooves display flare in the hoof wall, underslung heels, bars that are long and pushed forward over the sole, distorted/curved coronet, thin soles, poor concavity, and contracted heels. All these symptoms are the result of incorrect lever forces acting on the hoof, causing distortion and reduced horn quality and quantity. Simply applying a hoof boot to this situation without addressing the underlying problems will not lead to long-term success. While correct trimming aims to remove those lever forces, the horse needs time to heal and grow a healthy hoof. In response, the horse moves carefully and sensitively over slightly rough or lumpy terrain. The horse, in order to control the impact and loading of the sensitive parts of the hoof, often chooses a toe-first landing over the desired heel-first landing of a sound horse. These incorrect impact forces have negative effects, directly, to the hoof suspension and, peripherally, to muscles that get used unnaturally which add to the horse’s discomfort.

Properly fitted hoof boots create a firm but yielding environment with no lumps and bumps that can cause excess pressure to the transitioning hoof. The horse quickly gains confidence in putting the foot down and using it correctly. As a result, you get a happier horse that moves more correctly and therefore transitions to a healthier hoof a lot faster. You also get a happier horse owner who now will ride the horse more often, and the increased movement will also speed up the Transition to Barefoot. At the end of the Transitioning phase we have a horse that has developed healthy hooves and is sound on the terrain it lives on.

In order to get the horse sound over gravel roads, rocky tracks, riverbeds, etc. it now has to go through the Conditioning phase. This means gradual and consistent exposure to these types of grounds so the hooves have a chance to get tougher. Ultimately, the goal is to ride your horse over a variety of terrain without any hoof protection. However, depending on where you live and how much time you have for riding, it may not be possible to truly condition the hooves properly for the rougher terrain. In this case the use of hoof boots will allow you to access more challenging terrain without compromising the important heel-first landing.

Hoof boots, when used in conjunction with trimming that restores proper hoof function, can be a helpful tool to speed along the Transitioning phase and can be essential to keeping healthy hooves moving over rougher terrain when Conditioning is not possible.

Proper boot fit is very important to your success. Feel free to contact us as we can point you in the right direction.